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[JS6951] BEng in Engineering Science

What is Engineering Science?

The BEng in Engineering Science programme is a unique science-based programme that aims at preparing future engineers and leaders of innovation who have the solid engineering skills and in-depth interdisciplinary knowledge needed to take on many of the global challenges that humankind faces.

This programme adopts a major/minor structure in which students select one of the five majors, and then pursue a second major in one of the remaining four majors; or a second major and/or minor(s) offered by the Faculty of Engineering or other faculties.

This programme is a special programme of HKU Engineering, and it is the most flexible programme in the Faculty of Engineering. This is a multi-disciplinary programme providing a wide range of career prospects to nurture future leaders of innovation. Because of the small cohort size with professors pooled from all engineering departments, students are likely to build a strong network for their professional development.

To meet the World's grand challenges in


Energy crisis

Environment preservation

New materials

Complex systems and big data

  • Programme
    Civil Engineering is the science and art of utilising natural resources and power for the beneficial use of mankind. Civil Engineers are responsible for the design, construction and safe-keeping of our infrastructure and built environment. They ensure that our buildings, roads and bridges are safe and effective, our slopes are safe from failures, our stormwater drainage systems are adequate to prevent flooding, our wastewater is collected, and treated properly to protect our environment, and all components of our infrastructure are functioning in a safe, comfortable and sustainable manner. The 4-year programme provides students with the academic qualification towards the professional status of a Civil Engineer. The Main Subject Areas of studies included: 1. Construction Management 2. Environmental Engineering (e.g. wastewater treatment, solid waste treatment) 3. Geotechnical engineering (e.g. engineering geology, soil mechanics, foundation design) 4. Structural engineering (e.g. analysis and design of concrete and steel structures) 5. Transportation Engineering
  • Professional Recognition
    The BEng(CivE) programme is fully accredited by the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE). Honours degree graduates meet the academic requirements for corporate membership of HKIE. Most of our graduates become corporate members of HKIE and obtain the status of Registered Professional Engineer after three or more years of approved working experience.
  • Career Prospects
    Our graduates have been contributing to the design, construction and safe-keeping of the impressive infrastructure in Hong Kong as well as in other places of the world. Most of our graduates are employed by works departments in the Hong Kong Government, engineering consultant firms and construction companies. They work on all types of infrastructure development projects; such as those related to highways projects, transportation-related projects, building projects, water supply projects, drainage and flood prevention projects, environmental engineering and pollution control projects.

Messages from Alumni


Wang Yunzhe

Class of 2017
Major in Materials Engineering, Minor in Physics and Mathematics
Summer Research Internship at Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Science

The BEng in Engineering Science programme provides students with a chance to expand horizon in various fields. I took courses about alloys, semiconductors, bio-materials, optical materials, and also selected curriculums in interested disciplines. The broad vision in multiple fields helps me a lot in research. During the research internship at Harvard, knowledge in physics and materials helped me get familiar with the topic quickly. In addition, this research experience taught me the importance of being an independent researcher.


N. Valiyapan Sundararaja

Class of 2016
First Major: Energy Engineering, Second Major: Global Studies, Minor: Finance
Internship at New World Development Company Limited

Apart from engineering, I have taken courses in finance, business and social sciences which cultivate a broad knowledge base. During my internship at the New World Development Company Limited, I was able to use my multidisciplinary background to look at things from a different perspective and solve problems. I would recommend students interested in gaining exposure beyond engineering to pursue Engineering Science.

Hui Chung Yan.jpg

Hui Chung Yan

Class of 2017
Major in Environmental Engineering, Minor in Environmental Science
Summer Internships at Swire Properties (June-July 2015) & Gammon Construction Limited (August 2015)

The 3 months having internship at Swire Properties and Gammon would definitely be one of the most eyeopening and exciting summer breaks I have had in my life. My summer internship with Swire Properties allowed me to understand how sustainability was managed and practiced in the commercial sector in a corporate level. This was quite different from my training with Gammon which focused on on-site environmental and monitoring measures in construction projects. The flexible curriculum structure enables me to pursue a more diverse career in both managerial and practical role in the field of environmental engineering


Tel: (852) 3917 2586


Room G01A, G/F, Haking Wong Building, 
The University of Hong Kong, 
Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong.

Tel: (852) 3917 2803

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